Our Projects

Innovation plays an important part in Taverns Tea, with each and every projects that comes our way, the excitement is real! Through our various experiments and R&Ds, we were given the chance to work with various professions, which has led us to learn more about different industry. 

Tea & Alcohol 

Tea and Alcohol! The best of both world. Taverns Tea has been working with bartenders coming up with different and efficient ways of making amazing tea cocktails. Through the use of different alcohol and tea leaves, we have concocted a range of tea cocktails for our partners.

Our job consists of recommending suitable tea leaves for the cocktail you have in mind. With the information that we receive from you, we will then advise the duration of the infusion along with the recommended quantity per infusion. 

Tea Capsules 

Tea Capsules, one of the fastest way to brew tea, delivering the same aroma  and flavour as with traditional brewing methods. We noticed that with tea capsules, there are limitation with the type of tea leaves that can be used. 

We were tasked to create a tea menu that upholds our client's brand, leading us to source for teas from four different regions around the world. Through our tea tasting sessions, we were able to determine the exact gram-age of tea to be used per capsule. This resulted in five different types of quality tea for our client's first launch. 


Cold Brew

Our cold brewed teas have been featured on different platforms from events to restaurant launch. We have collaborated with manufacturing companies and have been experimenting, fine-tuning the techniques involved in cold brewing tea. 

We have recently also expanded into cold brew coffee! Working together with our partners, we have created Taverns Tea House Blend Coffee, which will be available on our store soon! 

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